Terms and Conditions
1.1 The following terms have a specific meaning:
‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refers to the service provider ‘Olivia Tama and Mauro Inti’.
The company trades through the website www.tama-inti.com
‘you’ or ‘your’ refers to you, on behalf of yourself and your guests or party, collectively, the client, guest or party, potential or actual, of Olivia Tama and Mauro Inti
‘website’ refers to www.tama-inti.com
‘sessions’ refers to a single provided service of Olivia Tama and Mauro Inti
‘offerings’ refers to all the provided services of Olivia Tama and Mauro Inti
‘services’ are all kinds of ceremonies, workshops, yoga classes, retreats, private sessions of Olivia Tama and Mauro Inti
1.2 We reserve the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.
Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected.
All offers are non-binding. Parts of the pages or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement.
1.3 References and links to third party websites are beyond our responsibility. Any responsibility for such websites is declined. The access and use of such websites is at the own risk of the respective user.
1.4 The copyrights and all other rights to the content, images, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to Olivia Tama and Mauro Inti or to the specifically named copyright holders. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance.
These include all activities of us, such as ceremonies, workshops, retreats, community events, private sessions etc., which are related to the business activities mentioned. We primarily provides fee-based services in the field of holistic health. The present General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the purchase of any services of the participants, which are obtained in any way (by telephone, email, Internet, mobile, etc.) from us. A participant is any natural or legal person who uses services provided by us or who has registered with us to obtain such services. By using one or more services, the participant irrevocably agrees to the application of these GTC. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES.
3.1 The current costs for all our offerings can be found at our website, on brochures, flyers and social media or they will be sent per e-mail on request. Prices are in Swiss Francs or Euros, “starting at” prices per person unless otherwise stated and are excluding of VAT.
3.2 Registrations for our offerings can be done by phone, email or ticket links and are legally binding. Full payment for the offering have to be made before the session begins.
3.3 We reserve the right to amend prices at any time before you have completed the payment of your product. After payment has been completed, the price of your product is confirmed and we will not apply any surcharges unless you make the change to your arrangements after booking.
3.4 We accept Credit/Debit Cards, TWINT, and PayPal payments. Please note that all payments taken on debit or credit card will be taken in CHF and so, if you are a client whose payment card is not denominated in CHF, you should be aware that your card issuer will calculate the final chargeable amount at their preferred choice of exchange rate applicable on the day.
Upon receipt of your payments via the methods stated in (3), you will receive:
4.1. An email confirming your deposit payment from us within 24 hours.
4.2. An email with further informations of the booked service will follow.
Please check the confirmations carefully to make sure that all your booking details are correct. Contact us if your confirmation appears to be incorrect or incomplete. We reserve the right to make changes and corrections after bookings have been confirmed. We are unable to accept liability for any errors and omissions that are not highlighted to us prior to arrival, and the client remains responsible for any additional costs or changes that occur as a result.
5.1 No refunds are available once a service has commenced, or in respect of any other product or offering booked or utilized.
5.2 Bookings of any services that are cancelled/postponed less than 24 hours in advance will be charged or forfeited. There are no refunds of payments.
6.1 Self-responsibility and normal mental and physical resilience and condition are required for all services. In the case of acute physical or psychological problems, you should consult a doctor beforehand to determine whether yoga classes make sense at this point in time. Our offerings can have a healing effect on physical, mental and psychological well-being. However, they do not constitute medical or psychotherapeutic treatments.
6.2 Existing mental or physical health restrictions as well as an existing pregnancy must be reported to us at the latest at the beginning of the offering. Should a health restriction occur during the service, we have to be informed immediately. You take part in our offerings on your own responsibility, so that it is also at the discretion of the respective participant to obtain medical advice before participating in our offerings.
If you have doubts about their health or mental suitability for participation, it is recommended that you seek appropriate expert advice before registering.
6.3 By booking our services, you acknowledge that you have read "Terms & Conditions". If you have any doubts about whether you should participate or not, please email us.
7.1 To the extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any liability. We therefore assume no liability of any kind, in particular no liability in the event of concealment of any physical or mental illnesses that make participation in the yoga events/workshops appear inadvisable. We reserve the right to reject participants if we have the opinion that the health or psychological requirements for participation in the course are not met. This refusal can also be made at short notice or even during ongoing courses. If you are rejected, the course fee will be reimbursed (pro rata) to the participant.
7.2 The use of the course premises and offers is at your own risk. No liability is accepted for valuables brought by you.
7.3 For all our services, we exclude any liability for damage incurred. You are therefore responsible for sufficient insurance cover yourself. We cannot be held liable for theft or loss of items.
8.1 Swiss law applies; the place of jurisdiction for any disputes is Zurich.
8.2 Should individual partial provisions of these general terms and conditions as well as any individual contracts to be concluded be or become void, ineffective or contestable, the remaining (partial) provisions remain unaffected and must then be interpreted or supplemented in such a way that the intended economic purpose is achieved as closely as possible from a legal point of view becomes.
8.3 Oral ancillary agreements are not made. Changes and additions to these terms and conditions and all membership contracts must be in writing.
If you have any complaints, concerning any services provided by us you must inform us in writing an email within 28 days of the conclusion of our offerings.
If you have cause for complaint whilst on your offering this must be brought to the attention of us immediately so that action can be taken to remedy the problem. Failure to report your complaint in this way may jeopardize any claim you subsequently make.
We undertake to treat personal data and information confidentially and not to pass them on to third parties. An exception to this is the transfer of data to employees and business partners for organizational reasons. You also undertakes to treat information about other course participants as confidential.
We use photos and videos of our services on our own website and on our social media channels on which you can be identified. If this happened against the will of a person, he/she can order his/her person to be removed from the picture. Please let us know about it. Further and own claims cannot be asserted.
We have taken all care to ensure published information and prices are accurate however if we identify an error or omission following publication, we will inform you before confirming your booking. The revised information will then form part of your booking. If an error or omission is discovered after your booking is made, we will always try to advise you prior to your visit. Whilst very rare, in recognition that human error may arise with regards to the verbal information provided to you, these booking conditions will always take precedence in these instances.
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